I fell in love with the story Thanksgiving Graces this week. The story talks about a little boy who observes his father, mother, and grandmother invite more and more guests to Thanksgiving dinner. They had to pull up more chairs to make room for the extra guests. The boy in the story grows nervous that their won’t be enough food to go around. His grandmother reminds him that God fed the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. She told the boy that God would provide enough food. It is a reminder that Thanksgiving is about sharing the blessings that God has given you this year.
Here is a link to the book.
In the spirit of this book, we wanted to make a special card for our “special” teachers and the office staff. The kinders had a wonderful time going around and saying thankyou to the office staff, janitor, cafeteria workers, art teacher, P.E. teacher, and librarian. Here are a few pictures from today.