Center 1
I grabbed this from Kay Sommer from Sommer Pride. You can grab the center here. My kids loved using cubes to measure different Thanksgiving meal items. I had fun helping educate them on different things to eat. I had many questions about the yams! haha
Center 2
We read a book about a silly turkey in shared reading and small group reading this week. The kids LOVED this book! They talked about silly turkeys all week! During centers on Friday, I had them use the silly turkey cards and sight word cards to build sentences. This pack comes from Jennifer at Crayons, Cuties, and Common Core. Once they built the sentence, I had them write the sentence and draw a picture to illustrate. The recording sheet was not included in the pack, so I just made a quick one. The was a great pack and one of my favorites from the week! You can grab it here.
Center 3
Listening Center
The kiddos listened to “The Great Turkey Race”. After they went back to a table and colored their favorite part of the story, copied the title of the book, and rated how well they liked the book. If you want to grab my listening center response pages you can here.
Center 4
In this center they had to use cube to build different thanksgiving meal items and record how many cubes it took to build the food. The kids had a hard time building the food items, so we modified and had them count the cubes in the examples and record that. After they were finished, we told them to try to build at least two. It was hard to build for my kinders, but would be perfect for firsties! You can grab it here.
Center 5
This was perfect practice for building CVC words. The kids searched through the fall leaves and built words on a mat we stuck into sheet protectors. This was loads of fun for the kinders. I tell my kinders that words that do not make sense or can’t fit into a sentence are called monster words. Real words are robot words. I could hear them telling their friends, “No, that is a monster word.” “Yay, you made a robot word!” Such little encouragers. You can grab this center here.
Center 6
Domino math addition center. This was a great review for addition within 10. We just finished our addition unit a week ago. We have moved onto subtraction, but it was a great review. The kids loved using the domino cards to write down addition sentences. This was also one of my favorites from the day. This center was from Kinderrific. You can grab it here.
Center 7
I can’t believe I didn’t take pictures of this center! I thought I had grabbed a picture of each center. The kids traced CVC words, built them with play dough, rhymed the word, and drew a picture of the word. I slid the work mats inside a dry erase protector and let them use dry erase markers to trace and draw. I loved the different activities they did with each word! Great for kinesthetic learners. Some of the rhyming did not fit or was hard for my kinders to find a word they understood that was rhyming. You can grab it here.
Center 8
They made turkeys out of little square scraps. I used squiggly scissors to pre-cut the squares and turkey body. I just love how some of these turned out! I got this craft idea from my teacher friend Katherine. She teaches preschool at our school. She made these this week with her littles.
Here are some pictures of some of my kiddos fall art work they completed in art this year. I just love our art teacher! She is so talented and does the cutest things!!
What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving Centers? Share the links in comments!
Happy Thanksgiving!