How many of you could literally spend hours in a local teacher store sifting through resources for your classroom? Seriously, I could stay ALL DAY.
I am about to get southern on y’all. My “southern” comes out when I am excited. Cause by George, I get to go to EdExpo 2015. EdExpo 2015 will have the latest and greatest new educational products for the classroom. They want me to review some of the best products and tell you guys about it. I might even have a few goodies to give away to you guys! Geez Louise!
If you are a resource teacher, curriculum director, or principal this is a great event for you to attend! The keynote speaker will be Kim Beardon from The Ron Clark Academy.
Be sure to follow me on Twitter and Facebook to see what is happening. If you are coming to the event, I would love to meet you!!
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