Okay, we are to the point in the school year where we are in survival mode. Ya’ feel me?
Have you seen this meme? It cracks me up every time I see it floating around Facebook.
Many of us are tired and exhausted from our school year full of differentiating, grading, planning, meeting, talking, teaching, consoling, mediating, analyzing, and deliberating. I challenge you dear teacher to finish strong. I came up with a list of things I think will help you power through the next few weeks.
1. Proceed to the nearest Wal-Mart, Target, CVS, or local Dollar Gentral and load up on chocolate and ice-cream.
(If you don’t get that reference, you need to spend some time watching Hannah and Kaylee on YouTube. BEST. LAUGH. OF. THE. DAY)
2.Stock up on coffee…because you will need to increase your 5 cups of coffee to 10 cups per day.
3. Take care of your feet, cause you know by this point in the year…ya feet be lookin rough. 😉
4. Drop by your teaching bestie’s room every afternoon…cause you know she will help you keep your sanity.
5. Buy an air freshener for your room, because some things just need to be “freshened”.
6. Find random reasons to just dance it out!
7. Insist that your hubby/significant other treat you to a meal out to eat at least 1 time, 2 times, 3 times per week.
7. Inform your family that you will be hibernating for the first few weeks of summer break.
I am a little sad that my year is almost over with this group of students. I have about 3 more weeks with these guys. Although I am tired, I am not ready to give them up. I am sure several of you feel the same way. You got this! Power through and finish strong! Give it your all and the same 110% you did at the beginning of the school year. Share this with your teaching bestie that might need a little encouragement.
And seriously…book that pedicure. Nobody needs nasty feet. 😉
I’m not ready to give up this group! They make every day fun and they are always amazing me with their brilliance.
This is really cool to focus on topical issues. This is hard phase for school kids with exams looming! Thanks! Dr. Mani