Christmas is my favorite time of year to pull out some of my favorite stories. I teach in a Christian school, so most of the stories I read during this time of year focus on the birth of Christ. There are truly some really great ones. I confess many of these books will invoke tears. Oh, who am I kidding?!? I cry at most anything during Christmas. I cry during the school Christmas play. I cry when I hear the song “Oh, Holy Night”. I cry watching a Hallmark movie.
Christmas is my FAVORITE.
The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado
Max Lucado is one of my favorite authors for children’s stories. The Crippled Lamb is probably my favorite out of all the books listed. I cry every year when I read it.
In this timeless bestseller, readers experience the tender love God has for those who feel alone and different. Joshua was a lamb with a crippled leg who felt left out because he couldn’t run and play like the other lambs. But God had a very special plan for Joshua’s life, as He does for all who feel alone. Readers can expect a gentle tug on their hearts as the little lamb’s prayers are answered in an amazing way. Original oil-painting illustrations by Liz Bonham brilliantly capture the beauty and warmth of this endearing story.
Itsy Bitsy Christmas by Max Lucado
I often gift this little book to my kids at Christmas. You can find it through the Scholastic Book Club. My kids know that Max Lucado is my favorite, so they are excited to get a book written by their teacher’s favorite author.
Do you ever feel like you are too small or too ordinary? That’s how Itsy and Bitsy feel. When these two charming little mice hear that a King is coming to Bethlehem, they run to find Him. But they can’t find the King, and other animals discourage them. “Don’t even try,” they say. “The King doesn’t care about little ones like us.” Itsy and Bitsy are just about to give up when something amazing happens.
The Candymaker’s Gift by Helen Haidle
This is truly a heartwarming story about a candymaker that wants to teach his granddaughter the meaning of Christmas. Unfortunately, it looks like this book may be hard to get this Christmas. All the prices on Amazon are high. However, I found the book read on YouTube here.
Jotham’s Journey by Arnold Ytreeide
I love this Advent Book. You read a small section each day leading up to Christmas. If you are just starting the book this year you will be a little behind, but it won’t be a problem. You won’t want to put this book down. Your kids will beg to hear more. Jotham’s family were shepherds. He was separated from his family at the beginning of the story because of his disobedience. This book is full of laughs, excitement, and suspense as Jotham searches for his family. There are a few moments in the book that may be a bit scary for a younger audience. I do not read this book to my kindergarten students, but I read it when I taught second grade. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK.
In this widely popular, exciting story for the advent season, readers follow ten-year-old Jotham across Israel as he searches for his family. Though he faces thieves, robbers, and kidnappers, Jotham also encounters the wise men, shepherds, and innkeepers until at last he finds his way to the Savior born in Bethlehem.
Room for a Little One by Martin Waddell
This is a sweet story about animals looking for a warm place during a cold winter’s night. Each animal welcome’s another animal into the stable barn. Finally, they make room and welcome baby Jesus into the stable.
Humphrey’s First Christmas by Carol Heyer
We’ve all heard the story of the three wise men who brought their gifts to Baby Jesus. But what about the camels who carried them? Here is the story of Humphrey the camel and his long, cold journey to Bethlehem. Humphrey has lost his blanket and schemes to acquire a new one. When the party reaches its destination, Humphrey is so drawn to the love surrounding Baby Jesus that he finds himself selflessly giving his new blanket to the Christ child. Carol Heyer’s rich acrylic paintings showcase the quirkiness of the camel and add humor to the story. Here is a book that both entertains and informs without ever straying from the meaning of the holiday.
Follow The Star by Rachel W.N. Brown
This is another sweet story about a camel that finds his way into the Christmas story. As you might have guessed, this camel belongs to one of the wise men traveling to see the new king. He was small and not able to carry a large load, but he had a very special gift for the new king. I really like how this story represents that the wise men found baby Jesus when he was a toddler, not an infant. Baby Jesus could have been 1-3 years old before the wise men made it to him in Bethlehem.
The Shoe Box by Francine Rivers
Francine Rivers is another one of my favorite authors. She wrote Redeeming Love. That is one of my all-time favorite books.
This book is about a little boy that finds himself in the foster system. He carries around a mystery red box. Everyone wants to know what is in the box. Throughout the year he carries the box wherever he goes. He was well loved and cared for by the people God placed in his life. This story will leave you in tears as you discover what was inside the box and who he chooses to give the box to at Christmas.
Annika’s Secret Wish by Beverly Lewis
This is a heartwarming story about a Swedish girl and her family’s tradition of finding an almond in the Christmas rice pudding. Everyone wants to find the almond in their pudding. Annika makes a hard decision that results is a great display of Christ-like love.
A beautiful book that will become part of a family’s Christmas heritage, Annika’s Secret Wish inspires young and old to freely give and share even long hoped-for gifts. The final page features Swedish Christmas traditions that your family may choose to include in your own holiday celebration.
I truly hope you enjoy some of these Christmas stories listed above. Even if you are not in a Christian school, you will want to purchase these books for your home. There are several that I did not mention above. If you have another book that is your favorite, please list in the comments below!
Merry Christmas
“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” Luke 2:11-14
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