We don’t know about you, but the Back to School season can be hectic and overwhelming. We get giddy over new BTS supplies. We know with BTS season around the corner, you will be purchasing an endless amount of tape, stickers, folders, glue, pencils, Expo markers, and new classroom decor. You have been away from your teaching besties all summer, and coming back during teacher orientation is like one big family reunion.
I, Bonnie, have a confession. It may just be me, but I love the smell of new backpacks. They have a certain scent about them that reminds me of being a kid and getting brand new BTS items. It may be the fresh start of the new year or the simple fact that the supplies are brand new and organized, but there is something about the fresh and new BTS items that make my heart happy.
I, Bethany, also love new school supplies just as much as the next teacher; however, BTS leaves me shakin’ in my Tieks a bit. I think it’s all of the unknowns. Unknown class lists. Unknown class atmospheres. Unknown students. Unknown parents. Unknown routine. I just want to jump in and get into my routine so I can breathe. But then…new things kinda scare me…I’m an introvert…that’s just how I roll. Well, come to think of it, there’s one new thing that doesn’t scare me at all. It’s a new thing that I absolutely love…
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness”
Lamentations 3:22-23
His love and mercies are new every morning. Yesterday’s trouble is long forgotten. In Him, we have a fresh start.
Speaking of fresh starts, just as the Lord’s mercies are new every morning, our mercies toward our students should be fresh and new every school year, every month, every week, every day, every morning. That means you don’t listen to the teacher down the hall tell you what Billy will be like in your classroom. That means that if you have a rough month with your students, you don’t withhold fun and engaging activities the next month. That means that when a student has an off week and fights you at every turn, you don’t hold it against them. That means that the back talk and the rolling of eyes from Sally yesterday won’t determine the level of grace you give her today. It means that your mercies are new every morning.
We know that these aren’t necessarily your thoughts RIGHT NOW in the midst of back to school. Everything is still new. Everything is still fresh. Everything is still exciting. Mercy is easyto offer right now. Mercy will not be easy to offer in a few weeks.
Be your BTS self all year long: fresh, excited, full of mercy, loving, engaging, and grace-filled.
Take some time and read Psalm 103 and reflect on God’s goodness and mercy. Use this guideto help you mark up and meditate on Psalm 103.
Monthly Challenge
Spend some time this month praying over your classroom. Close your door. Turn on some praise and worship. Spend time praying over your future students and their families. Pray over your relationships with co-workers. Pray that God will not only help you teach your students, but also will help you to reach their hearts.
We know that you like to color. So, enjoy this free coloring page for the month of August.
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Follow Bethany on Instagram @thenglishnerd
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