This kit is easily customizable to fit your needs.
Have a certain teaching order? Go for it!
Use a specific curriculum? Use this as a supplement.
Don’t have a curriculum? It is everything you need.
If you are seasoned veteran or just starting out in the kindergarten world, this kit is for you!
This video shows you what is inside the #alphabetkit and how I am going to use and implement the #alphabetkit in my kindergarten classroom.
*Comprehensive Teaching Guide
**set up instructions
**lesson plans for small group or whole group instruction
**20 hands on center ideas and work mats
**13 whole group games
**shopping guide for alphabet tubs
**center management information
**a-z praise words
**editable assessments to fit your teaching order (or use mine!)
**student letter sound tracking
*#alphabetkit Resource Pack
**A-Z mini teaching guides, Long Vowel Teaching Guides
**A-Z lower case individual cards, upper case individual cards, combined lower and upper case cards
**A-Z tracing cards, with lines and without lines
**all center work mats including matching play-doh mats
**letter charts
**Tolsby Frame anchor chart cards.
**8.5X11 Alphabet Poster for Wall
Gain exclusive access to a private Facebook group where you will be able to gain ideas of how to implement #thealphabetkit into your classroom, glean support from other teachers, and learn about best practices for teaching the alphabet.